Character. Integrity. Craftsmanship.

Usually, when you go on an “about us” page, you’re normally met with a story or two about how the proprietors came to sell you coffee. We’re convinced, however, that regardless of our “story,” it won’t matter a “bean” (pun intended) if you don’t enjoy the product.  Our philosophy is different, so we walk another path.

We believe that to truly ingratiate ourselves to you, we must first lead with a great product.  Our signature coffee blend has been crafted with intention to achieve a balanced flavor profile that smoothly enters your palate without leaving that heavy “coffee” aftertaste that is often associated with acidic or bitter coffee.

It is our dearest hope that once you’ve tried our coffee, we’ll have earned your business and respect for consistently delivering a delicious cup of coffee you can count on.  Having said that, if that is all you ever get to know about us; then, be assured that you will have truly come to know the truest essence of our character.

We look forward to getting to know you.